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UCLA Academic Senate Elections

The UCLA Academic Senate holds annual elections in the spring to elect members of the Legislative Assembly, the Vice Chair/Chair-Elect of the Academic Senate, At-large members of the Executive Board, and members of the Committee on Committees. The Elections Commissioner supervises elections for the Los Angeles Division and certifies results to the Secretary, who reports the results to the Division. 

Spring 2025 Elections

For the 2025-2026 academic year, there are vacancies for the next Vice Chair/Chair-Elect of the Senate (who will become the Senate Chair in 2026-2027), three At-Large members of the Executive Board, five members of the Committee on Committees (ConC), and numerous departmental representatives of the Legislative Assembly (LgA). For more information on the positions, how to run, when and how to vote, and Legislative Assembly-specific elections, please see below.

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The Vice Chair (1) assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence or incapacity; (2) performs such duties as are assigned by the Chair; (3) serves as Vice Chair of the Executive Board and as ex officio member of the Legislative Assembly. The term as Vice Chair is one year, beginning on September 1, 2025. At the conclusion of this term, the Vice Chair becomes the Senate Chair. In year three, the individual serves as Immediate Past Chair. The total term of service is three years. More details on the powers and responsibilities of the Vice Chair are available here.


Members of the Executive Board coordinate and review actions and proposals from Senate committees and administration. They consult with and advise the Divisional Chair on all matters, including issues brought to attention from outside the Senate’s or administration’s formal structures. The Executive Board meets approximately twice per month between October and June. At-large members serve two-year terms. More details on the powers and responsibilities of the Executive Board are available here.


ConC members nominate, select, and appoint the Chair, Vice Chair, and members of each UCLA and UC-level standing committee, subject to Legislative Assembly approval. They also suggest members for joint Senate-Administration Committees and advise the Administration on faculty nominees for search and review committees. ConC meets approximately twice per month between October and June. More details on the powers and responsibilities of the ConC are available here.


Eligibility: Any Senate faculty member may run for this office who does not hold an administrative post of department chair or above (Chapter IV, Section 3, Bylaw 45.E.2). This position receives modest compensation.

Run for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Submit a nominating petition between Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12pm PDT and Friday, March 21, 2025, 5pm PDT via DMS (SSO Login Required). A nominating petition contains:

  • the endorsement of five members of the UCLA Academic Senate exclusive of the candidate;
  • a chronology or summary of past service to the Academic Senate, to Schools, to departments, and to other programs of the University;
  • a signed statement expressing readiness to serve as Vice Chair/Chair-Elect and Chair in corresponding successive years of election and service; and
  • an optional statement not to exceed 200 words.



Open Positions: Three new members of the Executive Board shall be elected to two-year terms, 2025-2027.

Eligibility: Any Senate faculty member at any rank may apply. Please note: membership on the Executive Board is “incompatible with service as an administrative officer, as a Department Chair, or as a member of the Faculty Executive Committee of the School or College.” (Chapter IV, Section 3, Bylaw 45.E.2). Legislative Ruling 6.21(B) clarifies that an administrative officer includes department vice chair as well as substantially similar titles including “Special Advisor” and “Faculty Equity Advisor.” This exclusion is necessary to avoid conflicts of interest posed by reporting to both the faculty and the administration. Either the Executive Board or Legislative Assembly can grant an exception after considered evaluation and a favorable vote. 

Run for At-Large Member of the Executive Board: Submit a nominating petition between Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12pm PDT and Friday, March 21, 2025, 5pm PDT via DMS (SSO Login Required). A nominating petition contains:

  • the endorsement of three UCLA Academic Senate members, and
  • a chronology or summary of past service to the Academic Senate, to Schools, to department, and to other programs of the University.



Open Positions: One new ConC members shall be elected At-Large and four new ConC members shall be elected from constituencies to three-year terms, 2025-2028.

Eligibility: Any Senate faculty member at any rank may apply for At-Large positions. Each of the following constituencies has one open seat. (Note: Faculty from department names labeled with an asterisk * are not eligible for nomination or election this cycle.)

Seat 6 – Mathematical Sciences / Chemistry

Chemistry and Biochemistry*; Mathematics; Statistics

Seat 7 – The Arts
Architecture & Urban Design; Art; Art History; Design | Media Arts; Ethnomusicology; Film, Television, & Digital Media*; Music; Musicology; Theatre; World Arts & Cultures / Dance

Seat 9 – Management / Economics

Anderson School of Management; Economics*; Administrative Officers; Emeriti w/o Home Department

Seat 15 – Primary/Family Care Medicine

Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Pediatrics*, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Urology

Seat 18 – At- Large

(Nominations are open to any Department)

Run For the Committee on Committees: Submit a nominating petition between Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12pm PDT and Friday, March 21, 2025, 5pm PDT via DMS (SSO Login Required). A nominating petition contains:

  • the endorsement of two members of the UCLA Academic Senate exclusive of the candidate;
  • a chronology or summary of past service to the Academic Senate, to Schools, to departments, and to other programs of the University, and
  • an optional statement of no longer than 200 words.


Academic Senate members, including emeriti, elect the Vice Chair to serve as part of the Senate’s Leadership Team. The vote for Vice Chair takes place via DMS from Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at 12pm PDT to Tuesday, April 29, 2025, at 12pm PDT.


Members of the Legislative Assembly elect At-Large Executive Board Members. Voting will take place at the Legislative Assembly meeting on Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm PDT.


Academic Senate members, including emeriti, elect members of the Committee on Committees (ConC). The vote for At-Large ConC members takes place via DMS from Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at 12pm PDT to Tuesday, April 29, 2025, at 12pm PDT. If there is a constituency seat (Seat 1-16) up for election in your constituency, you will also be able to vote for these candidates during the same voting period.

Duties/Responsibilities: The Legislative Assembly (LgA) holds four meetings per academic year. Per Divisional Bylaw 55, Legislative Assembly representatives review and vote on legislative matters, have the privilege of the floor to bring forward and discuss motions, and may second motions and vote. “Members of the Legislative Assembly shall report regularly to their constituents, preferably at Department meetings, on actions by and proposals before the Legislative Assembly, and shall actively seek their input and advice.” 

Terms: Terms are for three academic years and ordinarily begin on September 1 of each academic year. 

Legislative Assembly Representative Terms and Vacant Seats: This list includes current representatives, alternates, and vacant seats by department with terms listed. 

Election Procedures: Per Divisional Bylaw 150.C.2, Academic Senate members of each department elect LgA representative(s) and alternates by secret ballot and per Departmental Bylaws. All department bylaws include a section about elections although they may not specifically mention LgA representatives. 

Election Deadlines: Every Spring quarter, the UCLA Academic Senate Elections Commissioner notifies department Chairs of the deadline for the election of LgA representatives. The 2025-26 deadline for departments and CIIs to hold elections and report results to the Academic Senate is May 16, 2025. 

Election Results Submission: After the department completes its election, the department chair reports the results, including the faculty vote count, by completing this form. Please email if you have any questions.