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Legislative Assembly

Assembly Charge

The Legislative Assembly is empowered to act in all matters for the Los Angeles Division though subject to provisions of Divisional bylaws. Members of the Assembly approve all changes to the Senate Bylaws and Regulations, ratify slates for each of the Senate's Standing Committees as recommended by the Committee on Committees, review and approve annual reports of each of the Standing Committees, and consider campus-wide issues. Proposals having a wide effect on faculty life are always brought before the Legislative Assembly; for example, changes in faculty disciplinary procedures, a mentoring plan for assistant professors, and revisions to General Education. Assembly members elect the at-large members of the Senate's Executive Board by choosing them each Spring quarter. The Legislative Assembly meets at least once per quarter for a total of four times during the academic year.


  • Voting members of the Legislative Assembly are elected from and by constituencies from all areas of the campus. Departments are allotted one voting member for each 20 Senate members. Every department is allotted at least one member. Administrative officers who hold Senate membership also elect at least one representative.
  • Ex officio members include the UC President, UCLA Chancellor, Senate Chair, Senate Vice Chair, Senate Secretary, and voting members of the Executive Board who are not current Legislative Assembly members.
  • The Division Chair chairs the Legislative Assembly.
  • Legislative Assembly representatives serve a three-year term beginning on September first. Please see information regarding other start-of-term dates within the “Election Deadlines” section below.
  • Here is the list of current voting members of the Legislative Assembly.

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

  • Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Bruin Reception Room, Ackerman Union
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 2:00-4:00 pm over videoconference
  • Thursday, April 3, 2025 from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Bruin Reception Room, Ackerman Union
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 2:00-4:00 pm over videoconference

Parliamentary Procedures: The procedures of the Legislative Assembly are governed by the current edition of the American Institute of Parliamentarian Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure per bylaw 135.C.4 of the UCLA Divisional Manual.

Interactions with Administration: The Chancellor plays an active role with the Legislative Assembly, usually giving an opening address to the Assembly each Fall Quarter and attending meetings whenever possible to listen to faculty issues and to offer comments. In addition, the Assembly regularly invites administrators who can speak to current issues, such as the Executive Vice Chancellor, the Director of Admissions, and the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Senate Chair: Kathleen Bawn (2024-25), 

Senate Executive Director: April de Stefano 

For inquiries, please contact

Every Spring quarter, the UCLA Academic Senate Elections Commissioner notifies department Chairs of the deadline for the election of LgA representatives. The 2024-25 deadline for departments and CIIs to hold elections and report results to the Academic Senate was May 16, 2024. If a department did not hold an election before the deadline or if there is a need for an election at other times of the academic year, please refer to the deadlines below. See the Legislative Assembly Representative Elections section within Senate Elections for more information.

If your department elects LgA representation before the:

  • November 2024 Meeting, submit election results by October 31, 2024. That election deadline will be the representatives’ start-of-term date.
  • February 2025 Meeting, submit election results by January 23, 2025. That election deadline will be the representatives’ start-of-term date.
  • April 2025 Meeting, submit election results by March 20, 2025. That election deadline will be the representatives’ start-of-term date.
  • May 2025 Meeting, submit election results by May 1, 2025. That election deadline will be the representatives’ start-of-term date.