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Charges Process

What is a charge?

A charge is a complaint or allegation that a faculty member has violated professional responsibilities, ethical principles, and/or standards of conduct as listed in the Faculty Code of Conduct. Charges against faculty are filed with the Academic Senate using the process in UCLA Bylaws Appendix XII and briefly outlined below.

NOTE: If you are also reporting a Title IX (sexual violence or sexual harassment) or discrimination complaint, follow this link:

Who can file a charge?

Any member of the University community may file a charge against a faculty member directly with the Charges Committee. Some charges come to the committee as a result of a finding of a violation after a Title IX, discrimination, or research misconduct investigation. If an investigation determines a faculty member is responsible of a policy violation, the charge will typically be filed by the relevant dean on behalf of the Administration. 

How do I file a charge?

A charge is filed with the Charges Committee ("Charges") using the form linked below.

You may use either version. Be sure to save to your own computer and follow the instructions for submitting. These will not save online.

Charges Form:

what if i have questions?

You can request a consultation with a member of the panel of advisors on the Grievance Advisory Committee (GAC).

What happens after I file charges against a faculty member?

This is a brief summary only. Please see the full Appendix XII for more detail.

  1. The Charges Committee will first review the charges to determine whether the alleged conduct, if true, would be a violation of the Faculty Code of Conduct. The Charges Chair may opt to discuss the charge with you (the complainant) in order to determine whether a resolution may be possible by working with a dean, chair, or other mediator. 
  2. The Charges Committee will notify the faculty member (the "Respondent") of the charges. The Respondent will receive a copy of the complaint and any evidence filed. The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel (VCAP) will also be notified.
  3. The notice to the Respondent will include an opportunity to respond in writing. The Respondent may request to appear before the Committee, but the Committee may decline if it determines further response is not needed.
  4. Once the Complainant and Respondent have had an opportunity to be 'heard,' the Charges Committee will review the case and make a determination whether there is probable cause that the Faculty Code of Conduct has been violated.
  5. The Charges Committee may propose negotiation or mediation if both parties agree. 
  6. The Committee will forward its determination of "probable cause" or "no probable cause"  to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Personnel.
    - If the determination is no probable cause and the Office of the VCAAP agrees, the charges will be dismissed.
    - If the determination is "probable cause," that finding initiates a formal disciplinary hearing with a Hearing Committee appointed by the Committee on Privilege and Tenure.

If the Charges Committee determines that your charge involves a possible Title IX complaint, a discrimination complaint, or possible research misconduct, the complaint (or that portion of the complaint) might be redirected to that process for a formal investigation. Charges will then review the formal investigation report.

If I am a Complainant, will I hear what happens?

A charge that may lead to discipline is a personnel matter. According to Appendix XII, "Complainants have a legitimate interest in being kept informed as the process proceeds." The Complainant and the Respondent will each be informed of the Committee's findings. Complainants do not, however, have a right to "receive or comment on written statements submitted by the faculty member complained against or on any other evidence uncovered in the course of the investigation." See Appendix XII, section 6 for the full policy.

If the matter is referred to a disciplinary hearing, the University becomes the complainant. See Senate Bylaw 336 for the formal hearing process.

i feel i was harmed by the person's conduct. what can i do?

While the purpose of discipline is to preserve conditions hospitable to the University's mission (research, teaching, and service), the charges process is not designed to bring remedies. The remedy process differs according to your status as a student, other trainee, staff, faculty, or other UCLA community member. Please see: Resource Guide for Grievances [coming].

charges have been filed against me. What can i expect?

Respondents have an opportunity to respond to the charges with a written response and submitting any evidence that may apply. The Committee will consider requests to appear before the committee should they "consider such appearance necessary to determine the truth or substance of the allegations." Appearances before Charges, should they occur, do not constitute a formal hearing. Parties and witnesses are heard in private.

The evaluation by the Charges Committee is not a disciplinary action, but may lead to a formal disciplinary action. ("The Chancellor may not initiate notice of proposed disciplinary action unless there has been a finding of probable cause.")

The Charges process is confidential. You can request a one-one consultation with a member of the panel of advisors on the Grievance Advisory Committee (GAC) to "receive information about the pending procedures."

Charges Committee Information      Map of the Charges Process


Charges Committee

The Charges Committee (1) conducts investigations when faculty are charged with violating of the Faculty Code of Conduct; (2) reviews formal investigation reports regarding policy violations; (3) comments on Title IX investigations findings of responsibility. With the exception of Title IX findings, the Charges Committee determines whether there is probable cause to warrant a disciplinary proceeding before the Committee on Privilege and Tenure. (Appendix XII)


The individual filing the charge.

Probable Cause

Probable cause, as defined in UC and UCLA policy and bylaws means that “the facts as alleged in the complaint, if true, justify the imposition of discipline for a violation of the Faculty Code of Conduct.”  A finding of probable cause at this stage requires “sufficient factual evidence to support the holding of [a] hearing,”  which is shown “if a person of ordinary caution or prudence would be led to believe and conscientiously entertain a strong suspicion of a violation of the Faculty Code.”

That is, a probable cause determination is not a finding that the Respondent has violated the Faculty Code of Conduct, but that there is enough evidence to hold a disciplinary hearing. 


The accused faculty member.

Faculty Code of Conduct

The Faculty Code of Conduct outlines standards for acceptable faculty conduct. The consequence for faculty misconduct "that is either serious in itself or is made serious through its repetition, or its consequences" is subject to discipline. Other violations of the Faculty Code of Conduct may be subject to "reproval or administrative actions."