Spring 2023 Instructional Policies
To: Faculty and Department Chairs
Dear Colleagues:
We write to remind you that classes for Spring 2023 should be held in the modality for which they have been approved and published in the Schedule of Classes. The following exceptions to in-person instruction in Spring 2023 have been authorized by the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils:
- Instructor Accommodations or Workplace Adjustments approved through the Office of Insurance and Risk Management.
- During time periods in which indoor masking is either recommended or required by either UCLA or Los Angeles County, department chairs are authorized to allow courses involving foreign language instruction to be taught via synchronous, remote instruction for the duration of the University or County recommendation or requirement only. This exception applies to language courses only.
These exceptions are identical to those allowed in Winter 2023.
- Students with documented disabilities will be provided appropriate and reasonable course accommodations per the recommendations of the Center for Accessible Education, through a collaborative process involving the instructor.
- Requests to create online versions of existing courses or propose new courses in online format should follow Academic Senate policies and procedures. Please note that online courses must be approved prior to publication in the Schedule of Classes and an in-person course cannot be switched to online or hybrid after students have enrolled.
To manage continuing instructional challenges that may arise, CAT and CEILS offer guidance that instructors may consider adopting as appropriate for their courses, in accordance with departmental norms and policies.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to UCLA’s academic mission.
Kathy Bawn
Chair, Undergraduate Council
James Bisley
Chair, Graduate Council
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