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Partial Suspension of Regulation on Final Examinations in Graduate Courses Only for Spring 2024

Academic Senate

To: Academic Senate Faculty 

Dear Colleagues:

On May 31, 2024, the Executive Board held a special meeting to consider a request from the Graduate Council to suspend sections B and D of divisional Senate Regulation 505. Final Examinations in Graduate Courses for Spring 2024 only. The Graduate Council endorsed the partial suspension in order to offer faculty flexibility to adjust final examinations in anticipation of an unpredictable campus situation this academic term.

Acting on behalf of the Legislative Assembly, the Executive Board approved a motion to suspend sections B and D of divisional Senate Regulation 505. Final Examinations in Graduate Courses for Spring 2024 only. Thus, the following sections are not applicable for upcoming final examinations (June 3–14, 2024) in Spring 2024 graduate courses:

(B) The instructor's methods of evaluation must be announced at the beginning of the course. The methods may include in final written examination, a term paper, a final oral examination, a take-home examination or other evaluation device.

(D) Final written examinations shall not exceed three hours' duration and shall be given only at the times and places established by the departmental Chair and the Registrar.

This temporary partial suspension offers instructors of graduate courses enhanced flexibility in the nature, duration, time and place of final exam. It ends on June 15, 2024, when the full extent of divisional Senate Regulation 505 will be automatically reinstated.

Regarding final exams in undergraduate courses, Divisional Senate Regulations A-330 and A-332 remain in full effect. Instructors may refer to previously issued instructional guidance on adjusting assignments and final assessments.


Andrea M. Kasko
Chair, Academic Senate

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