Legislative Assembly
November 9, 2023
To: Members of the Los Angeles Division of the Academic Senate
Dear Colleagues:
The first meeting of the 2023–2024 Legislative Assembly will take place in person on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 2–4 p.m. in the Bruin Reception Room, Ackerman Union. The agenda is available now on the Legislative Assembly Agenda page.
Chancellor Gene Block will offer remarks and updates regarding the academic year. Members will vote on bylaw and regulation revisions proposed by various schools and departments.
Although each department and School has formal voting representation (PDF) to the Assembly, all members of the Academic Senate are welcome to attend. In the spirit of shared governance, I encourage you to do so.
To ensure the integrity and security of the meeting, it is important for all non-representative attendees to RSVP via the Google Form.
I look forward to seeing you at the Legislative Assembly meeting on November 16, 2023.
Linda Sarna
Secretary, Academic Senate
Click to view as a PDF.