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Undergraduate Council (UGC)

Council Charge

The Undergraduate Council (UgC) makes policy for undergraduate education at UCLA; recommends to the Legislative Assembly undergraduate programs leading to new degrees; authorizes, supervises and regulates all undergraduate courses and programs of instruction and preparatory education; periodically reviews and evaluates all undergraduate programs of study and all programs of preparatory education in conjunction with the Graduate Council; and sets standards for honors and recommends procedures for awards of undergraduate scholarships.


The Council consists of 19 members:

  • 15 appointed voting members
  • Four ex officio non-voting members: the Dean of Undergraduate Education, the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, the Chair of the General Education Governance Committee (GEGC), and the Chair of the Diversity Education Governance Committee (DEGC)
  • Four undergraduate student representatives
  • Two graduate student representatives

The Council generally meets every other Friday during the academic year.


  • By delegation from the Undergraduate Council, the Committee on Curriculum holds course approval authority. It will review proposals for majors, minors, concentrations, and other undergraduate initiatives before sending them to the Council for action. In the areas of innovative education, it will work with Faculty Executive Committees (FECs), with the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and its oversight committee, and with the Dean of Undergraduate Education and other relevant entities.
  • The joint Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council Committee on Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Well-Being develops strategies and policy recommendations to improve and enrich student and postdoctoral scholar intellectual and academic life, and to foster a sense of academic community at UCLA for all students, including student-athletes, transfer students, international students, students with disabilities, students with dependents, and first-generation students.
  • The Diversity Education Governance Committee (DEGC) defines the values and purposes of diversity education at UCLA and provides clear guidelines and procedures for the development of diversity courses. The DEGC reviews and recommends to the Council diversity credit for all courses transmitted by the College and professional school Faculty Executive Committees to satisfy diversity requirements.
  • The General Education Governance Committee (GEGC) defines the values and purposes of general education (GE) at UCLA. It formulates guidelines and procedures for the development of GE courses; reviews and recommends course proposals for GE credit; and conducts periodic self-reviews and evaluations of UCLA’s GE foundation areas and programs of instruction.
  • Consisting of the Council Chair, Vice Chair, and subcommittee chairs, the Administrative Committee has delegated responsibility to act for the Council on urgent matters as the need arises, subject to the rules of the Academic Senate and the Undergraduate Council.

AY 2024-25 Undergraduate Council Chair: Jeff Maloy,

Council Analyst: Julia Nelsen,