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Graduate Council (GC)


The Graduate Council is delegated to make policy for graduate education at UCLA, except for the M.D., J.D., LL.M., S.J.D. and D.D.S degrees. It recommends to the Legislative Assembly graduate programs leading to new degrees, as well as disestablishment or consolidation of existing degrees. It periodically reviews and evaluates all graduate programs of study (in conjunction with Undergraduate Council's review of the related undergraduate program, where appropriate). It also recommends to the systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs proposals for new graduate programs leading to existing degrees and new programs leading to graduate level certificates.


  • The Council consists of fifteen faculty members appointed by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly for a term of up to 3 years. Members are selected to give proper representation to the departments, colleges, professional schools, and interdepartmental programs that offer graduate curricula. The Chair is appointed by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly.
  • The Dean of the Division of Graduate Education serves as an ex officio non-voting member.
  • Four graduate student representatives are appointed by the Graduate Student Association.

The Graduate Council generally meets on alternate Fridays during the academic year from 1:00-3:00pm


The Council has two main policy subcommittees, the Committee on Degree Programs and the Committee on Fellowships and Assistantships.

  • Committee on Degree Programs: The charge of this Committee includes review and recommendation of graduate education policy matters; admission and enrollment issues; proposals of new fields of study; degree procedures and requirements; proposals for extensive changes to existing degree programs; and matters pertaining to courses of instruction. In coordination with the Undergraduate Council’s Curriculum Committee, the Committee is also responsible for advising the Division on policies regarding the quality of instruction, including methods of evaluation of teaching.
  • Fellowships and Assistantships: The FAC acts for the Council on fellowship matters and has responsibility for recommending policy where teaching and research assistantships are involved. 
  • Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee consists of the Graduate Council Chair and Vice-Chair, the subcommittee Chairs, the Dean of the Graduate Division, and appointed members of the Graduate Council. The committee is delegated responsibility to act for the Council as a whole as the need arises, subject to the rules of the Academic Senate and Graduate Council. 
  • Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Well-being Committee: The charge of this Committee is to develop strategies and policy recommendations to improve and enrich student and postdoctoral scholar intellectual and academic life and foster a sense of academic community at UCLA for all students, including student-athletes, transfer students, international students, students with disabilities, students with dependents, and first generation students. 
  • Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Programs Advisory Committee: The SSGPDP Advisory Committee will actively engage with proposing units in supporting the development of proposals for self-supporting graduate professional degree programs and guide proposing units on how to fulfill all requirements associated with UCLA's SSGPDP guidelines. 

GC Chair: Deepak Rajagopal, 

Committee Analyst: Emily Le,