Council Charge
CPB's charge is to make recommendations based on established Senate policy to the Chancellor and Senate agencies concerning the allocation of educational resources, academic priorities, and the planning and budgetary process as well as formulating a Senate view on the campus budget and each major campus space-use and building project. CPB discusses with the Executive Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Finance the current strategic and budget issues. CPB maintains an active relationship with the Systemwide University Council on Planning and Budget (UCPB) through its UCPB representative.
- Sixteen Voting Faculty Members: eight from the College of Letters and Science and eight from the professional schools, appointed by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly for a term of up to three years.
- Two Ex-officio Members: the Vice Chancellor for Finance and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Budget.
- Four Student Representatives: two undergraduate and two graduate students appointed by their respective student government associations (votes reported separately).
The Council on Planning and Budget meets on alternate Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. during the academic year.
For the last few academic years, the Council on Planning and Budget appointed the following subcommittees:
- Budget Model Working Group (2019-2024)
- Health Sciences Finances Working Group (active in 2022-23)
- University Committee on Planning and Budget (UCPB)
- Enrollment Management Committee
- Executive Board (Academic Senate)
Interactions with Administration. Primarily with the Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Budget.
CPB Chair: Monica L. Smith,
Council Analyst: Elizabeth Feller,