The work of the Council on Planning and Budget was previously organized into three standing committees: Academic Program Review, Capital Planning and Budget and Strategic Planning.
These committees are no longer active.
The Academic Program Review Committee of the Council on Planning and Budget consists of two Co-Chairs and at least two members selected from among the members of the Council. The Academic Program Review Committee evaluates the resources, financial, space and personnel (fiscal & academic) supporting new and continuing academic programs and organizational entities, as well as impacts that proposed new resource provisions might have on existing programs. In academic planning, APR gives attention to current issues and specific programs rather than general long-term planning. Over the past two years, CPB has substantially revised its participation in Eight Year Reviews, in coordination with the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils. The APRC, in coordination with the full CPB membership, selects programs of particular interest and perceived importance for careful financial review, often designating one member to be responsible per program. Other programs are given more cursory review. To assist it, the APRC has access to financial reports from the Office of Academic Planning and Budget that are not generally provided to the Graduate Council and Undergraduate Council review teams. APRC members do not participate in the full site visit, but do monitor the review from prior to the site visit to the final follow up. The CPB Vice Chair ordinarily co-chairs the APRC.
The Capital Planning Committee (CPC) of the Council on Planning and Budget consists of two Co-Chairs and at least two members selected from among the members of Council. The CPC (1) reviews all proposed capital projects and reports to the Council at every stage in each project, from the assessment and prioritization of space needs through schematic design, financial plan, and environmental impact assessment to the detailed project planning guide; (2) participates in the Campus Space Planning Committee, and reports to the Council on all capital planning and policy issues that may arise. The CPC prepares an annual report to the Council which summarizes the year's work and includes evaluations and recommendations on the issues mentioned under (1) and (2) above. The CPC chair or a designated deputy serves ex officio on the Service Advisory Board for Capital Programs.
The Committee on Budgets and Strategic Planning consists of two Co-Chairs and at least two members selected from among the members of Council. The Committee on Budgets and Strategic Planning implements the responsibility of CPB to make recommendations based on established Senate policy to the Chancellor and Senate agencies concerning the planning and budgetary process. The Committee oversees the role of CPB in the campus-wide budget hearings and strategic planning process.
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