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January/February 2025 UCLA Academic Senate Updates

Royce Hall

To: Academic Senate Faculty

The month of January was dominated by devastating fires in our community, followed by a series of executive orders creating anxiety about our ability to pursue our mission of research, teaching and service. The University of California plans for a unified approach to communicating about, and responding to this activity by the new administration. In facing these challenges, we gain strength from our shared commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. In the spirit of carrying on our work through trouble times, I write with the following updates.

The Winter Legislative Assembly meeting will take place Thursday, February 6 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Our full agenda begins with a brief set of remarks from Chancellor Frenk. We have also curricular initiatives to consider, including a new degree program proposal. Finally, we must vote on two memorials proposed by UCSF, one to make professors in Health Sciences Clinical series members of the Academic Senate and one to make those in the Adjunct Professor series also become Senate members. The impact of these memorials at UCLA would be significant: Senate size would increase by roughly 90% (from around 2,200 to around 4,300 members) and composition would change from roughly 65% main campus/35% Health Sciences to 35% main campus/65% Health Sciences.

Memorial proposals of this type follow a two-step process: The initiating campus sends them, along with pro and con statements, to the other campuses (Step 1.) If at least three campuses representing at least 35% of Academic Senate membership approve, then systemwide Senate drafts new pros and cons, and the measure is voted on by all Senate faculty systemwide (Step 2.) We are currently at the first stage of campus approval. UCLA’s decision at this stage will be made by the Legislative Assembly (LgA), in keeping with past practice. I encourage voting LgA members to carefully read the background materials available in DMS.

Senate faculty who are not voting LgA members who would like to attend and/or speak must RSVP for the Feb. 6 LgA meeting by noon on Wednesday, February 5.

The links below offer more information about Senate activity at UCLA and systemwide.

Kathy Bawn
Chair, Academic Senate

Academic Senate Updates January/February 2025


In this Issue: 

Conference Travel Grant Application Reminder

Academic Senate Members are welcome to apply for a Conference Travel Grant offered by the Council on Research (COR) of the Academic Senate. Members are eligible for one grant per fiscal year for virtual, domestic, or international conference travel. Visit the COR Faculty Grants Program: Travel website for details.

COR Research Allowance Program (RAP) Preview

The COR RAP supports UCLA Senate faculty’s research-related activities. Eligible Senate faculty may request up to $5,000 per funding cycle (fiscal year) until February 26, 2025. Visit COR Faculty Grants Program: Research website for more information and to apply.

Academic Senate Elections

The Senate will hold elections in spring quarter to determine the next Vice Chair/Chair-Elect of the Academic Senate (who will become the Senate Chair in 2026–27), at-large members of the Executive Board, members of the Committee on Committees, and numerous departmental representatives of the Legislative Assembly. Visit the Senate Elections page for information about opportunities to run for a position and vote in the elections.

Senate Elections Information Session

Interested in running for one of the Senate’s elected positions or serving on a standing committee or council during the 2025–26 academic year? The Senate is planning a virtual informational meeting about Senate service and the 2025 Elections. More information is forthcoming. Please RSVP for the 2025 Senate Elections Information Session if you are interested in learning more.

UC Assembly Special Meeting

The Assembly of the systemwide UC Academic Senate will hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 13 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., via Zoom. The Notice of Special Meeting Agenda is available on the UC Senate Assembly web page. Assembly meetings are open to all UC Academic Senate members. Academic Senate members who are not appointed Assembly members and who wish to participate in this meeting must register for the Assembly Special Meeting using their UC email address. Registration will be on a first-come first-serve basis up to 1,000 total participants.

Statement on UC Academic Quality

In December 2024, the systemwide Assembly of the UC Academic Senate unanimously endorsed a statement on Characteristics of Undergraduate Educational Quality at the University of California, developed by the University Committee on Educational Policy. The statement articulates core priorities and principles of oversight and review for the University’s academic programs.

Message from Academic Planning Council’s Systemwide Academic Calendar Workgroup

The Co-Chairs of the Academic Planning Council’s Systemwide Academic Calendar Workgroup shared an important message clarifying the fact-finding purpose and process of the workgroup.

Principles for UCLA Faculty on Classroom Adjustments for Extracurricular Commitments or Other Scheduling Conflicts

The divisional Academic Senate developed and shared with Chancellor Frenk the following set of principles for faculty on classroom adjustments for extracurricular commitments or other scheduling conflicts:

Any academic adjustments made for students with athletic or non-athletic related scheduling conflicts should be done with the below principles in mind:

  • Any alternative proposed should maintain the academic rigor of coursework and assessments.
  • Changes should not result in an excessive burden on faculty time or effort.
  • Adjustments should be equitable to all students in the classroom.

Faculty have the academic freedom to determine whether and what adjustments are appropriate for the coursework and subject matter.

Report on Trends in Higher Education in California

The California Legislative Analyst’s Office released a report, Trends in Higher Education Faculty and Staff, that includes important information about the University of California. The report data reflects on-going Academic Senate concerns and advisement about the worsening student to faculty ratio.

Your Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is only as strong as its engaged faculty. We uphold the principle of faculty governance in higher education only when faculty exercise their governing authority. We welcome you to volunteer, contact your Legislative Assembly representatives, reach out to your Faculty Executive Committee Chairs who serve on the Council of Faculty Chairs, visit the Academic Senate website , and follow us on X at @UCLASenate or on Bluesky

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