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Council on Academic Personnel (CAP)


The Council on Academic Personnel (CAP) is responsible for the review of all significant personnel actions involving employees of UCLA holding academic titles. It meets once a week for a full day, 11 months of the year. The comments that follow are only a summary of CAP's charge and procedures and the general issues relevant to its role in the Academic Senate.

Positions in the Professorial series are divided into ranks and, within ranks, into steps. There is a nominal rate of step advancement within a rank. The Council does not review on-time merit increases within the ranks of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor. All advances that confer Senate membership or that involve a change in rank are subject to CAP review. These include promotion from Assistant to Associate (tenure), and Associate to Full Professor and promotion to Professor Above Scale. CAP also reviews merit increases to the "barrier" Step VI on the Full Professor ladder and all merit increases for Above Scale Professors. The latter are known as advances to Further Above Scale. CAP also reviews all mid-career appraisals of Assistant Professors. Finally, CAP looks at appointments to tenured positions. At the University of California all Professorial positions at the Associate or higher level carry tenure.

CAP's charge is to maintain standards and equity across the campus. Although its role is, strictly speaking, advisory, the opinion of CAP, as expressed in the reports it submits, are given considerable weight. According to current practice, the Vice Chancellor will not make a decision that is inconsistent with the recommendations of CAP without informing the Council, either through its chair and vice chair or in the course of a visit to the Council as a whole.

Membership. Fourteen voting faculty, appointed by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly for up to 3 years. Committee on Committees appoints and Legislative Assembly confirms the Chair.

Interactions with Administration. Council interacts extensively with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel and, as needed, with relevant deans and chairs.

The Council on Academic Personnel meets every Tuesday from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

CAP Chair: Christopher Colwell,

Council Analyst: Lori Ishimaru,