To: All Faculty
Dear Colleagues:
The UC Systemwide Academic Senate requests that you participate in a survey about faculty and instructor experiences during the past academic year. Surveys like this one, especially when participation is broad, enable the Academic Senate to convey the faculty voice more effectively and accurately to senior administrators, Regents, legislators and other key decision-makers.
This survey is being sent to all Senate faculty and course instructors across the ten UC campuses. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and must be submitted by midnight on October 18, 2024. We recommend completing it in one sitting, as browser settings may prevent you from resuming if you exit midway. Please use the link below to begin the survey.
Take the Survey
Your participation is voluntary, and all responses are anonymous. If you have any questions about the survey or how the data will be used, please contact Michael LaBriola, Assistant Director of the Systemwide Academic Senate, at Michael.Labriola@ucop.edu.
We recognize how busy you are, and we greatly appreciate your time and hope you will share your experiences with us. Thank you for your dedication and contributions to the University.
Best regards,
Steven W. Cheung
2024–25 Academic Senate Chair
Ahmet Palazoglu
2024-25 Academic Senate Vice Chair
Jim Steintrager
2023-24 Academic Senate Chair
Susan Cochran
2022–23 Academic Senate Chair
Download this BruinPost PDF here.