UCLA is sending undergraduates out into a diverse and complex world. The Diversity Requirement is designed to provide students with the analytical skills needed to develop critical and reflective perspectives on difference within both domestic and global spheres, and to prepare them to function, thrive, and provide leadership in multicultural, multiethnic, transnational, and interconnected global societies.
As of February 15, 2018, the Diversity Education Governance Committee (DEGC) was established to oversee all matters pertaining to Diversity education at UCLA.
For details on the history of the Diversity requirement, please see the documents posted in the Reports section below.
Committee Charge
The Diversity Education Governance Committee (DEGC) advises the Undergraduate Council (UgC) and the Dean of Undergraduate Education on all matters pertaining to Diversity Education at UCLA. The Committee is charged by the Undergraduate Council to carry out the following duties:
- Define the values and purposes of diversity education at UCLA.
- Provide clear guidelines and procedures for the development of diversity courses.
- Review and recommend to the UgC diversity credit for all courses transmitted by the College and professional school Faculty Executive Committees to satisfy diversity requirements.
- Review and recommend to the UgC suspension or rescission of diversity credit for courses which are found to no longer align with diversity education principles and practices.
- Conduct periodic self-reviews and evaluations of UCLA’s diversity education curriculum.
- Advise the UgC and members of the administration on the development, implementation, and assessment of programs for faculty development and TA training in the area of diversity studies and diversity in the classroom which may include recommending/developing orientation and training sessions as well as conferences, symposia, and workshops.
Committee Membership
- Seven faculty members (six of whom are external to the Undergraduate Council’s membership): a Chair, one member of the Undergraduate Council, and five Senate Faculty members representing the College and other schools that admit undergraduate students.
- Three non-voting members: two non-Senate faculty and one undergraduate student member.
Diversity Course Guidelines
Diversity course regulations and application of Diversity credit vary among the College and schools. For more information, please consult the Registrar’s Office overview of the Diversity requirement.
Please review the Diversity Education Course Guidelines prior to submitting course proposals.
Diversity course proposals must be submitted via the Curriculum Management System (CMS).
Proposal Deadline: Friday of Week 1. Departments are encouraged to submit course proposals at least two quarters in advance of planned instruction (e.g. Fall application for Spring course) to allow for at least one round of revision, if needed.
Final approval from the Undergraduate Council is required before a course is certified with Diversity credit. The Registrar’s Office is notified upon approval by the Undergraduate Council.